Learning Across Borders

Through Pingree's LAB programs, students learn to compare, question, examine, understand, and empathize with a broader range of viewpoints, histories, and cultural perspectives. LAB strives to help Pingree students graduate with a more sophisticated understanding of human history and society, including an awareness and appreciation of the variety of ways that people come to understand and negotiate their world as part of today’s interconnected global community.

Local Excursions

The Local Learning Across Borders (LAB) program provides enriching opportunities to extend student learning beyond the classroom walls. With an emphasis on experiential learning, service, and community-building, students will visit significant sites and take advantage of the many resources—both cultural and natural—that surround Pingree’s campus. In doing so, students will broaden their perspectives, deepen their understanding of the interplay between coursework and the real world, and enrich their relationships, both within and outside of the Pingree community.

Trips in the fall trimester are organized by grade-level. Past trips have included:

Grade 9: Camp Bauercrest in Amesbury

Grade 10: Hike up Mount Major in New Hampshire

Grade 11: Legislation simulation at the Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate

Grade 12: College visits Winter trips are designed by the faculty and are intended to extend and enhance classroom and student learning.

*Click below to see destinations from previous Local LAB Trips at Pingree.

How It Works

During a student/teacher exchange, Pingree families will host an international student in their home for approximately two weeks while their international guest attends classes at Pingree. During March vacation or summer vacation, the Pingree student will be hosted abroad for approximately two weeks in the home of the same student and will participate in classes and visit sites of historical and cultural significance.

Each exchange has a limited number of students who can participate. Students who wish to participate in an exchange must complete an application and obtain a teacher recommendation. The applications are reviewed and participants are selected by members of the LAB committee.

On-Campus Workshops

Each February, Pingree students, faculty, and staff take a day off from their usual routine for invigorating on-campus workshops, thought-provoking assembly topics, and a rousing student-faculty basketball game.

*Click below to view a list of sample LAB workshops.

Frequently Asked Questions