College Counseling
Welcome to the college search and application experience! Each year, Pingree graduates enroll in colleges and universities across the country, even around the world. In addition to planning and finding the next stop in your educational journey, searching for and applying to college teaches crucial life skills; the search and application experience cultivates self-awareness, builds confidence and independence, and helps our students learn to navigate complexity. Our college counselors are looking forward to guiding you as you explore the variety of opportunities available to you after Pingree.
The Experience
Attending college is a continuation of the educational journey you’ve started at Pingree. Exploring new ideas, pursuing challenges, and making lasting friendships–these are cornerstones of the Pingree experience and will be part of what’s next as well. At Pingree, we think of applying to college less as a process and more of an experience, full of adventure and possibility. It entails learning, self-discovery, and personal growth. Our goal is to help you find the right next place: an environment that will deepen your intellectual ambitions, introduce you to new interests, and affirm who you are.
The Team
Our counselors have extensive experience in college and school counseling, as well as direct work in undergraduate admissions. Throughout the year, they expand their knowledge and add new resources by visiting colleges, attending professional workshops, and hosting admissions representatives from across the nation. Drawing on our in-depth comprehension of college admissions as well as our understanding and appreciation of each student as an individual, we offer guidance and support as Pingree students prepare to embark on successful college careers.
We hope the information in this section helps to answer questions and assists with your planning. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to connect with any of us in the college office.
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